Act Google Calendar sync error "value cannot be null"

This article last updated 12/17/2015

Google Integration with Act seems to work haphazardly at best.  One recent error I dealt with for a while involved unable to sync activities with google calendar.  The Act integration would fail, and the error message would read something to the extent of “Value cannot be null.”

Some people reported that disabling duplicate checking in the database solved their problems – in my instance, this did not work.

The solution was to delete a corrupt activity off of the Google calendar.  The activity in question was a recurring activity that happened every week in perpetuity.  My hypothesis is that Google allows activities to repeat for eternity, whereas Act wants recurring activities to have an end date.

Nonetheless, deleting this activity series solved the problem.  Hope this works for you.  Good luck, and call me if you want remote assistance!  716-837-5727.

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